This is an image of tree rings. As you know the rings indicate the age of the tree.
Now coming to our example of Decorator pattern, the "first year of growth is our original object and the rest of the rings are the decorators"
Decorator pattern is used as an alternative for subclassing when we need the functionality to be extended. It is also an example of the Open- Closed Principle where we are allowed only to extend instead of modify.
When do we used decorator pattern?
When we have a set of large combination of two or more different sets of logic to be performed, instead of having a nightmare of derived classes we would rather bind the required logic dynamically.
Consider a web cam device that rotates and takes a photo everytime it senses motion of object in front of it.
Pseudo Code
InstructionCode ActionPerformed
CC Check if device is awake/Powered on
SS Check if sensor is functional
TT Take a snapshot
RR Rotate towards object of movement
DD Detect motion
MM TimerControl
Scenario 1:
The workflow will be such as
CC- Check if device is awake >> SS- Check if sensor is functional >> DD- Detect Motion >> RR- Rotate towards motion >> TT - Take Snapshot.
So the code you would need to write would be
Scenario 2:
Now if the functionality of the device is changed to take pictures at every interval of time.
The workflow will be
CC- Check if device is awake >> MM- Timer Control >> TT- Take Snapshot.
So the code you would need to write would be
In the above example we have limited number of instructions, consider writing a code for a IOT device which has numerous instruction sets all that need to be constructed to interact with a device. In such a scenario you would definitely prefer writing less code and opt for decorator pattern.
Below is a basic code example of an Ice Cream Preparation using decorator pattern.
The Ice Cream comes with a base Cone and with one scoop of ice cream.
It can be topped with chocolate sauce, sprinkles, gummy bears or all the above.
using System;
namespace IceCreamDecoration
public abstract class BaseCone
protected double myPrice;
public virtual double GetPrice()
return this.myPrice;
public abstract class IceCreamToppingsDecorator : BaseCone
protected BaseCone basecone;
public IceCreamToppingsDecorator(BaseCone baseconeToDecorate)
this.basecone = baseconeToDecorate;
public override double GetPrice()
return (this.basecone.GetPrice() + this.myPrice);
class Program
static void Main()
OneScoop basecone = new OneScoop();
Console.WriteLine("Just one scoop : " + basecone.GetPrice().ToString());
SprinklesTopping sprinkles = new SprinklesTopping(basecone);
SprinklesTopping moresprinkles = new SprinklesTopping(sprinkles);
Console.WriteLine("single scoup with sprinkles: " + moresprinkles.GetPrice().ToString());
GummyBearsTopping gummyBears = new GummyBearsTopping(moresprinkles);
Console.WriteLine("single scoup with more sprinkles and gummy bears: " + gummyBears.GetPrice().ToString());
ChocolateSauceTopping chocolateSauce = new ChocolateSauceTopping(gummyBears);
Console.WriteLine("single scoup with more sprinkles and gummy bears and chocolate sauce: " + chocolateSauce.GetPrice().ToString());
public class OneScoop : BaseCone
public OneScoop()
this.myPrice = 6.99;
public class Dessert : BaseCone
public Dessert()
this.myPrice = 7.49;
public class SprinklesTopping : IceCreamToppingsDecorator
public SprinklesTopping(BaseCone baseconeToDecorate)
: base(baseconeToDecorate)
this.myPrice = 0.99;
public class GummyBearsTopping : IceCreamToppingsDecorator
public GummyBearsTopping(BaseCone baseconeToDecorate)
: base(baseconeToDecorate)
this.myPrice = 1.49;
public class ChocolateSauceTopping : IceCreamToppingsDecorator
public ChocolateSauceTopping(BaseCone baseconeToDecorate)
: base(baseconeToDecorate)
this.myPrice = 2.49;