Tuesday 6 February 2018

TFS workspace problem

TF400018: The local version table for the local workspace MY-PC;My User could not be opened. The workspace version table contains an unknown schema version.

Click the box labelled "Workspace".
    Click on "Workspaces".
    Delete the corrupt workspace profile, accepting the warning.
    Re-connect to TFS and open "Source Control Explorer"
    Create a new workspace
    One by one, map your projects to the same folder as before
    You will be presented with a list of conflicts, where you have matching writable files in the folder already.
    Choose "Keep local copy" for each file you had checked out before, and "Take Server Version" for any files changed by other members of the team that you didn't have the latest version for. This might take a while depending on the length of the list, but it is worth comparing versions for any file you are unsure of.

    Most of the cs proj files will show contain the files you have added,
    but it wont show up in the solution explorer.
    Click on ShowHiddenFiles, select the files that do not have
    a + sign (add) or a red tick mark (CheckOut) and exclude them from project
    and right click and include them in the project.
    This should solve the problem